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Luke Calvert

MANAGING director

Luke Calvert CIP has over 18 years’ experience in the industry, across both the London and Irish insurance markets. Luke has specialised exclusively in the Taxi insurance market for the past 5 years, leading our search to bring much needed competition into the Irish Taxi insurance market. A Director of the business, Luke has a hands on role in all aspects of the business and enjoys dealing directly with Taxi Drivers to try and solve the issues they face in the current market.


Gareth Logan

EXECUTIVE director

Gareth Logan CIP is a Director of TaxiFair Insurance and has over 10 years’ experience specialising in the Taxi insurance market. Recently elected as President of the Insurance Institute of Dublin for 2018, there is nothing Gareth loves more than to listen Taxi Drivers individual circumstances, before conveying these passionately to insurers in order to secure the best possible insurance solution for the driver’s needs – this approach exemplifies the difference in dealing with TaxiFair Insurance.

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